So, if you’re looking to break into children’s books, apparently it doesn’t hurt to have been a reality show star. It was announced today that The Hills star Lauren Conrad just got a three-book deal with HarperCollins two write a YA series I can only assume is based on her experience. Ah, me, why didn’t I think of that? If only I had time to star in a reality show of my own . . . Well, I wish her luck and I’m sure all predictions that the books will be blockbusters are true. Teens I live with love the series Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen Calonita, and I confess I’ve enjoyed them, too. There’s just something about those glimpses into a world we don’t occupy that is thrilling to read about. Alas, I’ll stick with the YA world I like to write about, which is a little closer to home. Even if it means I’m, well, not dealing in reality.