It has been a while since my last blog because who knew that being a magazine publisher would be a 21-plus-hour-a-day job? I’ve always worked hard, but never this hard. Doesn’t matter though because it’s worth it when I get letters, e-mails and calls from readers and advertisers who say they enjoy the articles and the way the magazine looks. I just wanted to keep something I loved going, and if all goes well, that will continue. And there’s something so gratifying about having produced a magazine from an idea through to the printed product.
But I do miss writing for children, even though I’m now writing a book column in each issue of Long Island Parent magazine called “Family Bookshelf.” It’s my sneaky way to stay connected to the children’s book industry while doing my regular work. And I do manage to find some time to read and in fact just finished the moving Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, a story that’s both about teen suicide and about how easy it is to cause lasting harm with careless (or deliberate) comments. A lesson to us all, no matter what our age. I recommend it as not only is it a good story, it also has a sophisticated structure worth studying. The author alternates the main character’s story with the story of his dead classmate through cassette tapes. Check it out.
To see my latest magazine and new Web site, visit Now I must get back to work. My next issue is due at the printer. Then I plan to do some children’s writing. Wish me luck.