An insider tells you how to maximize your odds of getting your work for Children and Young Adults into print.
It is the place where ogres and wizards live in enchanted forests. It is also the home of editors, marketers, and art directors. It is the world of children’s book publishing. For writers hoping to have their children’s stories published, though, it has always been one of the most confusing and frustrating places to navigate–until now. Award-winning writer Liza N. Burby has put together a complete and realistic guide to making the right children’s book publisher say yes.
How to Publish Your Children’s Book begins by providing a working knowledge of the children’s book publishing process. First, it explains the importance of understanding categories, audiences, and marketplaces. Then, it provides a fascinating look inside the houses themselves–how things work and who does what. Next, it offers the aspiring author a proven system for selecting, approaching, and pursuing the right publishing firms. Also included are sections on the role of the illustrator and the ins and outs of publishing contracts. And in case there are no bites, the author even presents fascinating publishing alternatives. Throughout the book, you will find practical tips and advice from experienced agents, editors, and publishers, as well as insights from such popular children’s authors as J.K. Rowling and Marc Brown.
Just as storybook heroes know the way to overcome ogres and evil wizards, successful children’s book writers find a way to reach their goal of publication. Whether you’re just thinking about writing a children’s book or you are a published author, you’ll find that How to Publish Your Children’s Book points the way and provides a solid reference you can turn to time and time again.
“Whether you are aspiring to write a YA or children’s book, or are already a published children’s book author, the novice and the seasoned professional will find How to Publish Your Children’s Book a solid reference guide that will prove to be an invaluable, practical, and thoroughly ‘user friendly’ instructional reference, making it especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, college, and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference and resource collections.” — Midwest Book Review (“MBR Bookwatch”) 2018
“Terrific…It’s really one of the best books on the topic that we’ve ever seen.” ( ) –
“Liza N. Burby is not only knowledgeable, she has put together a book that answers just about every question imaginable about writing for readers from infancy through high school. Burby, a former editor and the prolific author of more than 39 nonfiction books for young readers, offers a detailed look at the 12 different categories of chidren’s books … and explains how to pinpoint your own book within those categories by genre and theme. How to Publish Your Children’s Book may be aimed at novice writers, but the wealth of information here would be useful to anyone of any level of experience who wants to write for young readers.”
–ASJA Monthly
“I admit to my double bias: I’ve written a book in the SquareOne series (How to Publish Your Novel), AND, as a result of becoming acquainted with THIS book, asked the author to consult with my Writer’s Lifeline, Inc. She knows all there is to know about the field, and shares it with you in this exhaustive and well-organized book–from what exactly to send when you submit a children’s book, to what exactly are the age-defined markets, to whether to include illustrations, and includes sample cover letters, a way of keeping track of submissions, and what to expect if you’re lucky enough to make a sale. The author herself has sold 38 books without an agent. She’s the source!”
Kenneth J. Atchity, The Writer’s Lifeline
Books for children preschool through young adult has always been a substantial part of the publishing industry. It is also one a volatile and competitive market that can be confusing and difficult for the novice author and inexperienced publisher. “How To Publish Your Children’s Book” by award-winning author and former children’s book editor Liza N. Burby is a comprehensive and thoroughly ‘user friendly’ instruction guide that will prove an invaluable reference for anyone aspiring to publish (or be published) and market a book for children regardless of its genre or the intended age category of its targeted readership. “How To Publish Your Children’s Book” covers such diverse but essential issues as creating effective submission packages, how authors can identify the best publisher for their particular title, learn to avoid common problems encountered in publishing, understand and benefit from publishing contracts, accessing and utilizing publisher resources, the growing phenomena of electronic publishing such as eBooks, maximizing results while minimizing time, cost and effort, and so much more. Enhanced with the addition of a glossary, a resource list, and an index, “How To Publish Your Children’s Book” is essential reading for anyone contemplating publishing a children’s book whether it is through an established press, and independent publisher, or as a self-published project.
–Midwest Book Review